Offensive Spells:
Spells are listed: Spell Name, Level m.s.o learned.

Area Spells:

These spells are all based on m.s.o.a, are attack spells with the syntax 'cast spell name targets'or 'cast spell name target 1,target 2,etc.'

Flame Breath, 100
GP Cost     : 200
Your breath kill badguys in groups which is not something you really want to spread around.
An ok low level spell.

Fireball, 125
GP Cost     : 250
With this spell you rip open a temporary gate to the elemental  plane of fire, causing a huge ball of fire
to envelope your  enemies. There is a certain gemstone that can increase the power of the blast
if you can  find it.
Use the Topaz, found in the Rhone Gemstore to bring this spell to full potential.

Firestorm, 300
GP Cost     : 700
This spell will call upon the depths of the very heart of the elemental plane of fire,
to envelop your enemies in a blinding storm of unadulterated power.
Some of the Gp cost will be  recovered if the proper component to utilize the full power
of  the spell is not used.
Use the Firestaff to get all 7 Hits of this Spell (otherwise you only get 4), the firestaff  has a certain number of charges
and will  disintegrate when you exhaust them, the number you can use is based on your m.s.s
This spell has the least resistable fire attacks of the msoa attack spells.

Star Fire, 250
GP Cost     : 600
Components  : ashes
With this spell you may call down fragments of a star to ravage a  wide area.
The tremendous impact of the fragment will cause it to explode with violent force ravaging
the area with fire and  poisonous gasses.
This spell is the similar but much weaker twin of the target spell: shooting star.

Hell Storm, 150
GP Cost     : 450 or 550 with sunstone (I think)
With this spell you summon a burning mass of black hell fire to envelop your enemies.
The effects of the spell can be amplified  with a sunstone, which is not destroyed with
the casting.
This is the ultimate spell for xping, but make sure you use the sunstone!
Unfortunately at present the sunstone has no save level, and resides on the
ever popular to kill: Simon the Lumberjack.

Volcano,  225
GP Cost     : 500
Using the powers of the elements you may create an erupting volcano under your foes.
see next spell for comment

Meteor Swarm, 180
GP Cost     : 500
This spell brings down a shower of meteors upon a group of your  enemies.
I can't quite remember which of  the two above spells it is, but one is good for doing some blunt damage to
highly fire resistant groups of targets. The other one isn't worth looking at.

Target Spells:

Excepting Hellfire, all target spells are based on m.s.o.t, are attack spells and use the syntax 'cast spell name target'

Hellfire, 250
Skill Used  : m.s.o
GP Cost     : 550
This is the ultimate spell at a pyromancer's disposal.  It calls  upon the fire of the earth to rise
forth from your clenched hands to either entirely or partially vaporize an enemy.  Very few
pyromancer's learn to control this fire, as it has been known to consume those who are not
strong enough of mind.
This spell will reduce a target to ashes, and may destroy weak items and even coins on the corpse.
It only does two hits, but these hits suffer little, or even no resist.

Minor Fire Burst, 5
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 50
This spell creates a small bolt of fire which will strike and do damage to your enemy.
First spell to xp with.

Fire Burst, 35
GP Cost     : 80
With this spell you cause a burst of fire to envelope and cause  harm to your enemy.
Second xping spell.

Fire Bolt, 50
GP Cost     : 75
This spell allows you to hurl a bolt of elemental fire at a single enemy.
I'm not too sure if there is any point in having this spell.

Flame Blast, 5
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 125
This should be called major fire burst. It is still only a burst though.
Your 3rd xping spell if you choose to go target.

Shooting Star, 250
GP Cost     : 600
Components  : ashes
This spell allows you to call upon the awesome power of nature by creating a tiny fragment
of a star and send it hurtling into your opponents.  The impact of the star will ravage your foes
with intense heat and poisonous gases.
A great spell, although very random.

Flaming Spears, 75
GP Cost     : [variable]
With this spell, the caster can hurl one  or more flaming spears at your target.
These spears cause both piercing damage and fire damage.  As your skill increases,
you will get more spears to hurl at your target, up to a maximum of 6. The spell costs
200 gp to cast with an additional 100 gp per spear after the first.
Once the ultimate target spell, spears are all but useless at anything but removing images and
spamming an opponent. They are however still very effective on npcs. Thank the all to many
armours out there with high fire ac.

Night Fire, 150
GP Cost     : 400
Components  : cold flame
This spell uses the unearthly properties of the cold flame to  twist the elemental fires into
shadowy flames that burn at sub  zero temperatures. The cold flame must be present to cast,
but is not consumed by the spell.
Though not a powerful spell, it is quite an interesting one, and is useful on targets with a high fire resist.